

Sometimes what you thought you wanted in life isn’t what you actually wanted anymore. You find a different path, a different place you want to be. To be honest, I don’t think I ever really wanted it. All the fame and glory is what really was pulling me in, not the love for my craft. What really brought me joy was traveling, it brought a sense of relief. Freedom. Wealth. It provided so much joy I was overwhelmed, but always saw the ball dropping. I really couldn’t quite put my finger on it, but I felt wealthy. I felt whole. I felt alive. I never fully felt that way on a set; I always felt the perfectionism sink in, the anxiety storm up inside of me. It felt slight daunting at points. It felt unwelcoming, suffocating, daunting, dark. It never felt like freedom, but modeling always did.. I love modeling. I love being in front of the camera and framing my body, creating art. I love seeing the imagery come to life, the photos create a story. I love writing and letting people see words that are deep into the soul. I feel a release anytime that happens. So to be honest, sometimes what you thought you wanted isn’t what you actually want & that’s okay. It’s okay to let go. It’s okay to change the story. So, now that we have a blank canvas again; what is our story going to be?

Nicole Kemmet